Why I have created a Blog for Education World
Blogging is increasingly popular among educators. With the click of a mouse, a teacher or administrator can share valuable insights and information with unlimited numbers of virtual colleagues. The Education World consultant team wanted to let you know about a great opportunity for seasoned educator-bloggers and novices alike.
Why I have created a Blog for Education World
We hereby extend a cordial invitation to join the Education World Community for free and start blogging today. Community members are interested in posts on any issue affecting educators. Examples include:
- Teaching strategies
- Classroom management tips
- Current national issues in education
- Professional development resources
- Bullying prevention approaches
- Technology resources and ideas
Not sure about blogging? For those of you on the fence, we offer the following inspiration.
10 Reasons You Should Blog on the Education World Community
10. It's a great place to share your education-related thoughts. Whether it's a mini-rant about a challenging school day or a look at the bigger picture, putting those thoughts to “paper” lets you share them with the wider community of educators and education-enthusiasts.
9. The audience gets it. Blogging on the Education World Community means that your words are being read by people like you -- those who have a passion for teaching and know what it's like to be in the classroom.
8. Freedom to say what you mean. Whether your opinion is popular or not, we want to hear it. Say it like it is.
7. You can help others. We all know how important professional development is. And online is the newest venue to get it -- often for free. By sharing your ideas, you're contributing to that. And who knows, you might just read something on the Education World Community that enhances your own professional life.
6. You can make a difference in another classroom. Have you readSteveHaberlin's posts? We've heard from follows on Twitter and Facebook how much they appreciate his innovative approaches to teaching. In fact, some have told us how well-received they were in their own classrooms. Share your own ideas, and you could influence others like this, too.
5. Exercise your writing skills. Like any skill, writing is something that needs to be exercised and practiced. As an educator, you should be doing this -- it allows you to ensure that whenever you send a note, email, newsletter or congratulations, you're doing your best writing. Then everyone will remember that's why you are a teacher.
4. It's a good place to have a social presence. Employers today look online to learn about potential job candidates. What better place to be seen than on a professional network just for educators like you? And your ideas, advice and dedication can set you apart from other candidates.
3. Your voice matters. That's right. While you might feel like one small voice in your district, here you matter. Your thoughts matter. And we're all listening.
2. We promote your work. Every week, we tweet about the best new content on the Community. We also post to Facebook, share in our newsletters and in the Community Trending box on Education World. We're here to support you, and when you share a great idea, we love to spread the word.
1. Connect with others like you. Bringing people together to share experiences and perspectives is a powerful form of professional development. Unlike expensive conferences or trainings, blogging can be done for free, on your schedule.
Have we convinced you to join in the fun? Ready to make your first post? Just keep a few simple guidelines in mind:
Kindly use appropriate language and a respectful tone in all posts. Please make sure your posts stand on their own as a piece of useful content for our readers, rather than consisting simply of a link to somewhere else.
We look forward to connecting with you on the EducationWorld Community! If you have any questions about blogging or about using the EducationWorld Community, contact Jason Cunningham, EducationWorld Social Media Editor.